Monday, 25 April 2016

Eurovision Pocket Size Previews #6

This year we're giving the 2016 Eurovision entries the "Pocket Size Previews" treatment, and reviewing them in as few words as possible! Up next Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova and Montenegro...


Elliot: Song is ok but Supernova staging was dull and needs a massive change before Stockholm 6.5/10

Emily: Definite grower for me! So modern with a memorable hook. Loving it, 9/10

Noa: Love it !! Catchy but at the same time brilliant! Justs got it all! a powerful voice and the look too. 9/10

James: This song sounds unfinished to me... The beat is quite modern, however. But, vocally it sounds strained and I worry for Latvia's qualification since they will be up first in the running order. 6/10

Rob: A good modern sound, this will stand out amongst the other songs this year. 7.5/10



Elliot:  Loud, generic song, too much noise not enough substance lyrically 6/10

Emily: Very cheesy. Live vocals are a little bit weak but not a bad song or performer. 7/10

Noa: I really love his voice but apart from that I found it hard to me to connect to the song 6/10

James: This song comes across too cheesy and I think it isn't the best that Lithuania can produce. It also comes across a bit like generic pop song and I think out of the 'generic' bunch, in the contest, it's one of the weakest. 5/10

Rob: Much better than "Love is Blind" and when this first came out I really thought it could be a contender... 7/10


Donny Montell sang "Love is Blind" in Baku in 2012.


Elliot: Better than Chameleon but not blown away by it, strong vocally however - 7/10

Emily: Another modern song that will no doubt do well. She’s a good live performer and I know Europe will love her if she ends up with good staging. 8/10

Noa: Wise choice to change the song! Catchy pop song and I like it 7/10

James: This song is alright, it has a nice tune but the sound at the beginning sounds a bit cheap and all I can hear is a copy of the song 'Hunger' so i'm a bit unconvinced. 7/10

Rob: This is great! I wasn't happy when I heard her original song would be revamped, but this is almost perfect. 8/10



Elliot: Guilty pleasure, style of song that made me love Eurovision 7/10

Emily: A very Europop song. I feel as though the higher notes aren’t as strong as they could be, but overall the song and performance is ok. 6.5/10

Noa: I love her voice but I found the song very trashy and basic . 6/10

James: I really like this song! It's perfect for Eurovision! It's fun and I think Lidia's vocals are going to keep improving. 8/10

Rob: Good old fashioned Eurovision cheesy - in the mid 2000s this could have won. 7/10

TOTAL SCORE: 34.5/50

Lidia Isac is off to Stockholm with "Falling Stars".


Elliot: See what they're trying to do, but it just comes off creepy, misogynistic and down right no. - 3/10

Emily: I struggle to think of anything good about this song. I’m really not a fan of the sound, and hearing it live at LEP reassured its 43rd place in my ranking as it bores me. 1/10

Noa: Nope,nope ,nope. Looks like they tried too much with the song and it turned up very bad! 3/10

James: It just sounds a mess. I don't understand the arrangement of the song at all. They do get 3 marks for their eye candy, however! 3/10

Rob: Just horrible - I don't even get what they're trying to do. 2/10


Our current top 3...
1) France - Amir "J'ai Cherche"

2) Greta Salome "Hear Them Calling"
3) Cyprus - Minus One "Alter Ego"

Keep a look out for Eurovision Pocket Size Previews #6 on the way soon, and don't forget you can find us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram too. 

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