Monday, 18 April 2016

Eurovision Pocket Size Previews #5

In the run up to this year's contest we're reviewing each song in as few words as possible, hence the "Pocket Size" previews... Up next is Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel and Italy.


Elliot: Powerful song and vocals, diction isn't all there in parts however 7.5/10

Emily: So vocally strong with an extremely catchy song. Definite qualifier for sure. 9/10

Noa: His vocals are just so powerful and the song as well !! this song is amazing! 9\10

James: I love this one! Such a powerful song and such an atmospheric song! This could be a dark horse to win. 8/10

Rob: I don't really get the hype when it comes to this song, very average when compared to some others. 6/10

TOTAL SCORE: 39.5/50


Elliot: LOVE!!!!! Winner of Eurovision 2016 for me, love everything about it 10/10

Emily: Another one of my favourites. I love the interesting performance and her live vocals are just like the studio version. 9/10

Noa: It's very catchy and addicting! although after a few times sounds very basic and becomes a little bit boring 7/10 

James: Amazing. It's so powerful and it's different to everything else this year. Another dark horse! 8/10

Rob: Very different and very very good! Loving the blatant copy of Mans with the screen art too. 7/5/10

TOTAL SCORE: 41.5/50

Greta Salome represented Iceland in 2012


Elliot: Generic, inoffensive, nice, bit bland however 5/10

Emily: I loved this at first but it went down in my rankings when I first heard the live vocals, which were quite weak. I enjoy the song itself and I hope that Nicky gives his all when it comes to Stockholm. 6.5/10

Noa: A very basic pop song, they could send better. 5\10

James: It's catchy, it's fun, but it's not special. It's also a tad dated. Nonetheless, a radio-friendly and enjoyable tune. 7/10

Rob: Having heard the live performance from Nicky I'm very unsure whether this will be able to qualify. 6.5/10



Elliot: Best revamp of the year. think the song is beautiful and the final minute is everything - 9/10

Emily: Hovi is such a lovely person with a beautiful yet simple ballad. I really hope it qualifies. 7/10

Noa: Hovi's vocals are amazing !!! I think the revamp did very well to the song !!! 8\10

James: A solid & beautiful ballad! But, it's quite forgettable which could hinder its chances. Still could easily qualify! 7/10

Rob: The final thirty seconds of this song are beautiful, it's just a shame about the rest... 6/10


Hovi Star will sing "Made of Stars"


Elliot: Meh, it's ok, good singer but she just sounds and looks bored in the video also, not a big fan 5/10

Emily: I loved this at first but I don't think the English part fits with the rest of the song. I do like it though. Vocally good. 7/10

Noa: Love this one ! such a beautiful meaning ! and she has a cute voice. 8\10

James: A lovely song. But, like Israel, it's a tad forgettable and a bit bland. Bonus points for Francesca's voice though! 7.5/10
Rob: Maybe Italy's worst song to date? Very disappointed in them this year. 6.5/10


Our current top 3...
1) France - Amir "J'ai Cherche"

2) Greta Salome "Hear Them Calling"
3) Cyprus - Minus One "Alter Ego"

Keep a look out for Eurovision Pocket Size Previews #6 on the way soon, and don't forget you can find us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram too. 

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