Thursday, 25 February 2016

SWEDEN: The Euro Trip's Semi Final 4 Predictions

The Melodifestivalen Semi Finals conclude this weekend as we head to the small city of Gavle. Molly Saden's song may have been leaked earlier this month, but this is the first chance for all seven competitors to compete on an equal basis.

Ahead of the semifinal, we asked The Euro Trip Team to predict their qualifiers for the Final, and also Andre Chansen.

1. Dolly Style - "Rollercoaster"
2. Molly Sanden - "Youniverse"
3. Panetoz - "Hall om mig hart"
4. Martin Stenmarck - "Du tar mig tillbaks"


1. Molly Sanden - "Youniverse"
2. Dolly Style - "Rollercoaster"
3. Linda Bengtzig - "Killer Girl"
4. Panetoz - "Hall om mig hart"

The Fourth Semi Final Competitors

1. Dolly Style - "Rollercoaster"
2. Panetoz - "Hall om mig hart"
3. Molly Sanden - "Youniverse"
4. Eclipse - "Runaways"


1. Martin Stenmarck - "Du tar mig tillbaks"
2. Dolly Style - "Rollercoaster"
3. Molly Sanden - "Youniverse"
4. Linda Bengtzig - "Killer Girl"


1. Molly Sanden - "Youniverse"
2. Dolly Style - "Rollercoaster"
3. Eclipse - "Runaways"
4. Linda Bengtzig - "Killer Girl"


1. Molly Sanden - "Youniverse"
2. Martin Stenmarck - "Du tar mig tillbaks"
3. Dolly Style - "Rollercoaster"
4. Linda Bengtzig - "Killer Girl"

We'd love to know what you think, tweet us @theeuro_trip with your thoughts. x

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